
Thriller - A Cruel Picture has got to be the worst rape revenge film I've seen. It's long and boring. The rape scenes conatin explicit elements and are dirty and uncalled for, and really even with explcict elements arent erotic. On the other hand the director tried to pull up for this on the revenge scenes, However I just nearly fell asleep during it all, because they are slowed down and last forever!

This is sooo boring, if you are expecting to get anything different from this tripe then think again!

"Get upstairs & Get Your Grandpa!"


I agree, this movie is way over-rated, its actually boring and the sex scenes are straight up porn and bring no value to the film. At best I give this film a D-


Rape is dirty and humiliating and brutal and dehumanising and evil and uncalled for.

Or were you expecting a Disney rape revenge film.


I wasnt talking about the rapes in the film, I was saying how boring it is. And does Thriller show rape in the words you have written?

NO WAY! It shows it close up, explicit if it were some porno or somthing.

"Hi Grandpa?!..Were gonna let you have this ONE!!"



This movie is not long, unless you consider 104 minutes long... and that's the longest version of this movie. If you think 104 minutes are long, you better not watch movies like the LOTR movies because those clock at 3 hours... in their theatrical versions, which are the shorter ones.

Boring? Well, certainly, back in the 70s they made movies that were a bit slower paced then the ones amde today and inspired by the MTV music videos. But slow pacing in itself is not a cause for boredom. Some movies do demand a slower pacing (like ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST) because they go for a moody and gritty feel. This movie goes for that as well, it wants to be moody, and you can only achieve that by slowing down the pacing. You can't have mood and atmosphere in a movie if you fast cut it to hell!

As for the porn shots, yes, they are indeed unnecessary to the plot. And it seems they were used only to milk the exploitation factor of this movie, as this was originally made to be shown in the exploitation circuits of the 70s, where porn and ultra-violent movies were exibited side by side. Sometimes this movies had elements of both, and Thriller is one of them.

"A good movie is three good scenes and no bad scenes" Howard Hawks


Thriller is a great movie, better than almost anything being made today. It is a classic revenge tale, filmed with an incredible amount of style, and it is obvious the director has a real passion for film-making in it's most honest form. Perhaps if you saw the version without the porn inserts you might have more respect for this important genre film.
