MovieChat Forums > Thriller - En grym film (1974) Discussion > I bet this was a major inspiration for M...

I bet this was a major inspiration for Matrix.

Yeah right. What's with the weird slow motion fightings and shootings in this film? Not to mention the perfectly ridiciulous exercise in random roadkill. I thought Swedish cars were supposed to be safe. OK, maybe they weren't Swedish, but what was the point anyway? It WAS pretty hillarious, but the film doesn't try to be funny otherwise. And getting people killed at random on the streets doesn't add up with the rest of the story. If it was merely an excuse to show off their skill in pyrotechnical explosions, they should have saved themselves the bother. Maybe they just couldn't decide what kind of film they wanted to make.

No, really, I was thinking about her cool coat ;)

Not a bad film as far as it goes, though.


Actually I laughed out loud at the car explosions. Far too funny for the over tone of this film. I'm thinking that it was probably intentional. Well I'm hoping anyway.


yeah, and swedish cars are supposed to be so safe........


Well, from what i saw, no swedish cars exploded, thety were all foreigner cars, like VWs and the likes. It was the police car that's a Volvo, a swedish car. A bit of an exercise in car manufacture pride, hem? I bet it must had people in the swedish theaters laughing like hell at that! Who says swedes don't have a sense of humour?

"A good movie is three good scenes and no bad scenes" Howard Hawks


The Matrix? Try Kill Bill.


Yes... Matrix... Just take a look at the slomo shooting scenes.. They are very similar to the matrix action scenes.. but you got to remeber.. This movie was made in 1972.. It's older than your mom. :P


I took it as she was on a mute rage and stopped caring about the world around her so the carnage on the road was a result of that.

If you want rediculous car explosions, watch Bet Your Life... or any other american action flick. this swedish films explosions where just an imitations on how it should be done (by makers that where inspired by american films).

I swear... I would like to visit the big US of A but after all of those films, I'm not sure if I would like to try to use a car over there... I mean, what do you guys use for fuel, nitroglycerin???

or as Leelo (5th element) would say:


On the other hand I heard of an italian Giallo flick with a bar scene where the camera, during flashbacks there, roamed the bar like the classic bullet time effect. Anyone know which film he talked about?

but all in all, there is more Thriller in Kill Bill than it is Thriller in Matrix, wich took it's inspiration more from john woo's slowmotion extravaganzas of The Killer, Hard Boiled etc. and anime films which tended to bend time for action...


and dont forget the police siren scenes on the hood of the car can you say police squad????


I think the deaths on the road are meant as an analogy. Since the lead character is mute, the movie relies heavily on imagery to convey its points and messages.

The random deaths of the people on the road shows how random, blind, and unbiased violence is. It also conveys Friggas determination as she fails to let anything get in her way.


I totally agree that random road killings was NOT consistent with the character and quite out of place...nevertheless, they were cheesy laughs.
