DVD versions

(I posted this on another thread, but thought some of you wanting to purchase this movie might be able to use the information)


I have the Limited Edition (the background pic on the DVD cover is red). 107 minutes long, the eye removal scene and anal/money shot scene were in tact, and the version was unrated.

There is also a Vengeance Edition (the background pic on the DVD cover is yellow), which has a few additional special features, but at only 104 minutes in length, 3 minutes of footage were edited out. I believe the eye scene and the anal skeet were amongst a few of the bits cut for this version.

They are both available on Amazon.


Neville Flynn: "I have had it with these motherf---in' snakes on this motherf---in' plane!"


Well, that's tard. I just picked up the "Vengeance Edition" (104min) and the back says "Containing all the over-the-top action and slow-motion fight sequences removed from the original U.S. theatrical verison" so I thought it would mean this was the full uncut version. Guess I'm a sucka! Once I get around to watching it, I'll let you know if the scenes are still missing or not.


Sure, please do. Thanks!


Neville Flynn: "I have had it with these motherf---in' snakes on this motherf---in' plane!"


Oops. I forgot to post about this.

Yeah, I'm guessing this was cut. The eye cutting scene was just him getting really close to the eye with the scalpel, and then it cuts to black. There was also no anal anything anywhere. Was this scene with the man she kills first? Looks like he wears some kind of under-roos while he's with her. I don't think it even shows them having sex, which makes it curious as to why she would go after him first.

Does anyone know if those scenes are somewhere online? I'm curious as to what goes down.
