This movie sucked and I'll tell you why.
Many people will post on here disgustingly how they hated this film but do not give a reason. I know the reason why they don't. It's hard to choose a place to begin!
Some of the worst editing I have ever seen. They should use this film in film school to demonstrate bad splicing and bad editing. Especially with the slow motion scenes, I mean, did they cut ANY of it out? The film had to have a minimum of 20 minutes of slow motion scenes! I think the film would have been a little over an hour without the slow mo scenes.
The direction was horrible! Who in thier right mind would have left those atrocious explosive scenes when the timing was so bad.
The acting was horrible. The main chick did not even have to say any lines and she still screwed it up. Evoking no type of emotion whatsoever. I was having a hard time telling whether she was moaning in ecstacy or disgust.
3 out of 10. If your thinking "Swedish and Bergman" think again.
My vote history link: