Movie is so bad! Spoilers
Don't even know where to start.
First why does the kidnapper write her parents and give them a return address so they can mail back a reply to their daughter?
Second what was with the hardcore sex? I don't want to see that.
Third was she training, learning to fight, shoot and drive, all while still being held captive? That made no sense to me. Maybe I missed where they let her go off and do whatever she wanted while also being a prostitute.
Fourth I am suppose to believe someone with a serious heroin addiction would be able to physically do all the things she does. Ridiculous.
Fifth the slow mo fight scenes were stupid and repetitive.
Sixth When she took the cop car and was just running average people off the road for no reason and these people didn't seem to want to stop for the police. Made no sense.
Seventh where the heck did she get the horse at the end?
LOL this movie was so painfully bad.