Spoiler: Kirk, Pam, Jerry and Franklin
Do you think they became dinner that night?
I know these next question may seem like stupid questions but hey, this film raises so many questions. It makes you think which means it's a good movie.
Also regarding those killed, do you think their bones were used to make furniture or do you think they often buried unused remains elsewhere? You do see the flesh covered severed 'arms' on the arm chair they tied Sally in so I'm wondering maybe if those were Kirks or perhaps Jerry's.
Now, ignoring the sequels and prequels, what do you think happened after Sally's escape. I could not imagine those who picked her up and the Black Marina driver would NOT have reported this to the police. The Sawyers would have to have been arrested and tried and convicted. The evidence was all around the house. But after the family had been put to death, can't you imagine that old house and gas station would have been lit up with paranormal activity -- the ghosts of those who died there. Creepy.