Greatest ensamble of Nu Yawk accents evah?
As a Chicagoian (that's pronounced Chi-cah-gowan) I've always been fascinated by actors attempts (both successful and not) at regional accents and dialogue. What usually wins out is if the production is lucky enough to have performers from the area being portrayed because they understand the authenticity better than most. And what a group we have here! Even if everyone isn't actually from the Big Apple proper, you've got a great sampling from Walter Matthau, Martin Balsam, Jerry Stiller, Doris Roberts, Dick O'Neill, Hector Elizondo, Tom Pedi, Kenneth McMillan, Michael Gorris, Tony Roberts and so on. In fact, I think Mr. Blue's biggest mistake is that he recruited men with recognizable accents. His own was hard to place, because the British accent can be found in so many places. Anybody know if most of the native New York actors would've been using their natural accents?
Men, if you're willing to fight for our people, I want you!