Blood orange?

Is it me or does the blood seem fake in these older movies?
The scene where the assassin falls through the ceiling on the printer machine with the stake through his body and you see the splatter of blood it looks like orange blood, or maybe it was my TV.

It's amazing how realistic and how precise filmmaking has become today, paying attention to every detail, so that there is a lot less suspension of disbelief.

In this movie even the fight scenes seemed hokey, like the punches didn't connect, you can see the villain begin to start his tumble as the punch is coming.

But the script was good and the acting was decent. I wonder if the movies we make today, in 30 years they will also seem dated, hokey and unrealistic.

But being in my 50s I did enjoy the movie but it's tough to get my kids to want to watch it, as soon as they see some of those dated elements they start looking for something from the 2000s and up.

But there are movies that seem to hold up one of these was the western, The wild Bunch, but then again I haven't seen it in years, so I wonder if I see it now I will also spot some of these dated elements.



I remember in "Eye of the Needle" the victims' blood obviously came squirting out of the "knife's" handle, onto the outer surface of their clothes. Same era, same approach to props & blood.


Last Friday me and my mates went out on the hoy. I downed over a dozen pints of cider, knocked back a few cheeky Sambucas then a ate a cheap takeaway madras. The next morning my poor wee nipsy was just like a blood orange.
