Elvis's fav film

Just watched "Monty Python: Almost the Truth. Never knew that Elvis's favourite film was The Holy Grail and he regularly used the line.."it's nothing, just a flesh wound"...haha...

*There is no such thing as reality only what we perceive through our poor inadequate senses*


By 1975/76 Elvis was probably so fargone on dope I`d be surprised he could even tell films apart.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


Hmm I thought his favorite movies were Pink Panther and Bullitt. Then again I haven't seen that documentary.


Really? That's interesting news.

Ronnie James Dio
July 10, 1942-May 16, 2010


And they reversed the compliment...(go to shout out)

*There is no such thing as reality only what we perceive through our poor inadequate senses*


His favorite movies were King Kong and Lives of a Bengal Lancer.

Oh no that's someone else.
