MovieChat Forums > Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) Discussion > Scene that made you laugh the hardest

Scene that made you laugh the hardest

As a kid watching this for the first time it was the animator having a heart attack, had to rewind over and over


That or "BLUE! No-"


The entire Prince Herbert/King/Lancelot sketch
Prince Herbert:" sing.."
Music cue.
King:"No. Stop that. There will be no singing here"
Music cut.

The entire instructions for lobbing Holy Grenade.
Priest:"...and being naughty in thy sight shall snuff it"

The entire Black Knight sketch
Dismembered Black Knight:"Tis but a scratch"

Never confuse the impossible with the improbable


Really, there are so many scenes that made me laugh in the film. I have already mentioned the Bridge of Death scene, but . . .?! another one that I liked a lot, which still makes me laugh is the scene featuring the King of Swamp Castle and his son Prince Herbert, where the King says:

"One day, lad, all this will be yours," as he points toward the window in the Prince's room, but . . .?! the Prince thinks his father the King is pointing toward the window curtains, so the Prince says: "What the curtains?"

LOL! I always enjoy the absurdity of conversations, where two people are speaking to each other, and one is speaking figuratively, and the other is speaking literally.


Hah I feel like even when we are both old and our memories are fading, me and my sister will still be able to quote the entire Arthur/Dennis back and forth verbatim.

Even though Im no more than a monster - don't I, too, have the right to live? -Oh Dae-Su


John Cleese's French guard.
