The bond and Francisco gun duel

I wil, say the gun duel between bond and Francisco moment was a good moment for me.




It's the best segment in the film, I'll give you that.


yeah, could have been better, but was still pretty dang awesome.

Had elements of the mirror scene from Enter the Dragon with the trek thru the 'funhouse'.

I thought the part where Roger Moore has taken place of the Bond wax figure, and rotates his whole body in one quick motion to line up for the kill shot was really cool.


western movie actor jack palance was suppose to play the villain in this, that's what i read anyway, that way the duel scene make perfect sense. when one of the girls smashes a lemon on a guy's head looked quite funny, notice marc lawrence who plays the gangster in the opening sequence was also in "diamonds are forever", on the commentary track to this movie moore jokes he (lawrence) has been in every other gangster movie made, also notice there is an actor in q branch who guest starred in an episode of "fawlty towers", i never noticed that before, m's office never looked this cool, the way bond roughs up andrea is incredibly off putting, not even in the 1960s movies did bond go that far. so the villain's trademark in this is he has a third nipple.......... "he must have found me quite titillating" - bond.

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need your love,
closeness of you crave for,
around the clock,
please dont leave me on my own.
