The martial arts school scene

Anyone who is fairly familiar with martial arts could see an 'error' most others wouldn't think twice about:

He was in Bangkok, but everyone in the school wore gis - most associated with karate or Tae Kwon Do. (from Japan & Korea respectively)
The martial art that would've been most likely featured is Thai kick-boxing. (which *was* featured later in the movie)

* Also, there shouldn't've been any Sumo wrestlers. (different scene) That's a Japanese art.


The two student girls' their kicks looked so fake.



I don't think the producers were too worried about styles/schools of different martial arts training. I think they just wanted to echo (as many Bond movies do with current fads/trends) the island scene of Enter the Dragon, where most participants wore gis and there was also an extended fight scene involving Lee's sister.🐭


I think it was just more like Enter the Dragon or Bloodsport - a collection of different arts from different cultures: Karate, Kung Fu, Thai swordfighting, Sumo, Muay Thai, etc.


Agree it was not a great scene, but not nearly as bad as the redneck sheriff scenes!
