Now that's the strangest bit of trivia I've run across with regards to two polar opposite artists. Aside from their Jewish heritage, I don't see the artistic, physical, or personal resemblance between the two.
Robert De Niro, I thought, would have been an interesting alternative to Dustin Hoffman, but I think Hoffman gives one of his few outstanding career performances here.
but I think Hoffman gives one of his few outstanding career performances here.
If anything, I hate being misquoted from my original post (read it again), and no, I am not high. Perhaps you were the one who was "High"[insert ? mark]
He gives a great performance in every movie he's ever been in.
That's your opinion. Every movie Dustin's starred in has not been a great performance mostly because the writing is bad (see Ishtar, Billy Bathgate, Hero, Joan of Arc, Sleepers, Madigan's Million).
Hey crackhead, read your original post. You weren't misquoted. You can't back away from your original comment just because you don't want to take credit for it. Fess up to your own stupidity.
Gee, let's see here, the title of my post concerns Neil Diamond, NOT being drugged out because you interpreted an insult on Dustin Hoffman's career from the last sentence of my post. If anyone can claim stupidity here it's you neal_page. And NO, I am not backing away from my statement that Dustin Hoffman has had a "few" masterful performances.
Even when the writing is bad, an actor can still pull off a great peformance.
- and ISHTAR, Hero, Agatha are good examples of this?
According to your argument, a movie soundtrack can't be good if the cinematography is bad. Nice random association.
- Nice random association? You're the one who made it dummy. The only point you've proven here is that you're a hostile and insecure person. I have no respect for you at this point so you can just can continue ranting like a crybaby that you seem to be.
Hey retard boy, are you brain dead? You can't seem to follow simple logic here. Nor do you understand the definition of "misquote". And why do you feel the need to copy what I wrote in your message. Unlike yourself, I'm able to remember what I post.
This whole thing started when you made a stupid insult directed towards Dustin Hoffman.
Granted, Ishtar is not a great movie, but not because of Hoffman's performance. His performance was great. The movie sucked because it simply wasn't funny. It was a bad script, not a bad performance. You seem to be unable to discern the two. Now do you get it?
And gee, how will I ever survive knowing that I don't have your respect? Ouch.
Thank you for proving my point about "misquote" by "misinterpreting" my original message into your accusation that I have "insulted" Dustin Hoffman. Obviously your worship of Dustin Hoffman is so obscene that you'd probably be willing to collect his farts, let alone justify his bad acting in Ishtar and Agatha. I guess when you're that obsessed with Dustin Hoffman he can do no wrong, and even the slightest remark concerning your deity can be interpreted as as insult. Well Boo *beep* Hoo Neal_Page...better change your little diaper!
Thank you for amusing me with your mental midget reactionary responses so far...keeping 'em coming fart sniffer!
This exchange isn't about "misquote" vs. "misinterpretation" a$$hole, it's about your denial of being an angry little man defending the perceived honor of someone you don't personally know. But, alas it's not my fault that you're a fanatical worshipper of Mr. Hoffman, whom I never insulted in the first place (see definition of Misinterpretation), and your insidious claim that I am pretentious actually shows how conceited you are.
Your references to drug addiction only lead me to believe that you're an expert in the field (i.e. - "high" & "crackpipe")? We could continue this discussion, but I'm starting to feel like I'm verbally ranting with an angry retarded child, which is not a nice thing in my book.
You say that you never insulted Dustin Hoffman, but you wrote, "I think Hoffman gives one of his few outstanding career performances here," referring to his role in Lenny. You are clearly saying that you don't think Hoffman has given many outstanding performances, which is an insult. Are you delusional, retarded, or is your memory really that bad? If you think I'm lying, go back and reread your original post. You insulted Hoffman, no two ways about it.
You think I'm an expert in the field of drugs because I used the word "high" in a sentence? Check this out. I'm an expert on rocket science because I used the work "rocket" in a sentence. Now I'm a neural surgeon because I used the word "neural" in a sentence. Geez are you dumb.
Why do I have to know Dustin Hoffman to recognize that he's an excellent actor? According to your "logic," a person can only be great if you've met them personally. I'm astounded at your childlike way of reasoning.
And you ARE pretentious. You're one of those guys who were just born stupid but refuse to accept it. Dude, get over it. Not everyone can be smart. Some (such as yourself) are just dumb. I won't hold it against you. It's not your fault. You were born that way. But being pretentious is your fault. So just get over it.
Wow...pretty smart for a marginal man you are Neal. Yes, I did say that Lenny is one of Dustin Hoffman's "few" outstanding performances.
That is not an insult *beep* but your intepretation as one. Why do you have to respond if you disagree? Do you really think you can put me in my place? You're pathetic joker if you think you can. Your initial response to my post insulting, and now you're complaining about my responses. I smell an insecure loser who can't stand a dissenting POV.
What's even funnier now is that you're reposting my sentences after you criticized me for reposting yours. So, not only are you inconsistent, you're pretty much a hypocrite when it comes to criticism.
I don't have to get over anything Neal, just knowing that scumbag idiots like you populate the IMDB Boards gives me pleasure in knowing I'll never be as insecure as you.
BTW, shouldn't you be somewhere right now? Like jarring Dustin Hoffman's farts?
I'm only quoting your sentences because that's the only way to make you face what you really wrote. I don't need you to quote me because I remember what I wrote. You on the other hand need a lot of direction and guidance.
What's up with your sick fascination with bottling farts? I defended Dustin Hoffman's acting and now I want to save his farts in jars? Dude, you're sick. Why don't you get off this sick fetish of yours.
With each comment you post, more of your stupidity is leaking onto the page. Your last post was so poorly written, I couldn't even read it. I had to ask my autistic/retarded neighbor to come over and translate it for me. Just stop with your posting. Your just digging a deeper hole.
And I'm not insecure. I just like picking on those less fortunate than myself. I admith that's a fault that I have. I see a pathetic brain dead mongoloid such as yourself, and I just can't resist. I'm sorry about that.
You on the other hand need a lot of direction and guidance.
What's up with your sick fascination with bottling farts? I defended Dustin Hoffman's acting and now I want to save his farts in jars? Dude, you're sick. Why don't you get off this sick fetish of yours.
LOL...obviously you're trying to deflect my insulting reference to your overreactionary demeanor when responding to my original post.
With each comment you post, more of your stupidity is leaking onto the page. Your last post was so poorly written, I couldn't even read it. I had to ask my autistic/retarded neighbor to come over and translate it for me. Just stop with your posting. Your just digging a deeper hole.
Another PRETENTIOUS comment! Yeah your posts aren't just as crass and insulting as mine. Why should I stop posting? It's not your board!
And I'm not insecure. I just like picking on those less fortunate than myself. I admith that's a fault that I have. I see a pathetic brain dead mongoloid such as yourself, and I just can't resist. I'm sorry about that.
ROTFLMAO!!!! Are you serious? You're not insecure, but you admit feeling secure in picking on someone you deem less fortunate than yourself? Your faulty admission means your admitting that you ARE INSECURE dummy! It reminds me of people who say "I'm not racist, I just don't like n i g g e r s, spics, and jews!". Who's digging the hole here?
Oh, and I like posting sentences because that's a) my choice to do so, and b) it seems to piss you off, which I'm starting to enjoy!
Yet another word you don't understand: PRETENTIOUS. It's so hard to argue with someone when there is a clear communication barrier.
Even your title is grammatically incorrect: the village idiot with a internet access. The agony.
I agree that my comments towards you are insulting, but let's be fair. Mine are justified and based in logic. Not only that, but they're funny as hell and clever. Everything you write is lame, boring, unoriginal, misspelled, poorly written, and embarrassing.
And I'm still not making the connection between my so-called insecurity and my defense of Dustin Hoffman. Maybe you should ask mommy for some help, and then try explaining it again.
You clearly don't know what pretentious means since you seem to think it's a noun. I cannot be a pretentious anymore than you can be a smart or a intelligent.
So you're still claiming you never insulted Dustin Hoffman. What a burnout you are. Kids, listen up. Bourbon_King has pickled his brain. This guy is the poster child for an anti-drug campaign.
I'm disagreeing with your basic premise that I'm insecure. What I don't understand is your "rationale" to explain it. I wish I could think of an easier way to explain this to you, but I think it's best that I challenge your feeble intellect.
neil diamond. oh my GOD that would have been a horrible movie. unless they had dustin hoffman - in an early preparation for tootsie - playing the valerie perrine role. then it would have been interesting.
Midnight Cowboy The Graduate Straw Dogs Little Big Man Papillon Lenny All The Presidents Men Marathon Man Kramer vs Kramer Tootsie Rain Man Wag the Dog
What are you high? Dustin Hoffman is the best actor who ever lived. Of course he gave a great performance here. He gives a great performance in every movie he's ever been in.
I asked Neal to PROVE how Hoffman is so flawless in every single film he's been in, even the bad ones, and he hasn't come up with a good example. Instead, he resorted to accusing me of insulting Hoffman and questioning my sobriety (being High). He's just a little A$$hole troll with a 3rd grader's opinion.
Hurray, Bourbon King got the last word. Truth is, Dustin Hoffman may or may not be the greatest actor who ever lived, but he has given many, many outstanding performances. I hope this urinating contest is almost over. Question to Rupert: why isn't Robert de Niro your favorite actor?
"He was the village idiot." "Yeah? What'd you do, place?"
Apparently, this Diamond guy was also condidered for the role of Travis Bickle in Taxi Driver - now that would have been even more bizarre. I mean, by that going, they might as well have cast Woody Allen to take care of all the animals that come out at night.