
So, I read about this movie on somethingawful, and it looks so bad it's gotta be hysterical. Anyone know how I could attain a copy?

reply for example, the site is in swedish but theyll love to help you in english if you email them.




Netflix has it.


I didn't think it was funny at all, actually. While I didn't feel it was as graphic as some people made it out to be, I still thought it was a rather shocking and unpleasant film. All in all, though, I enjoyed it since I'm a fan of exploitation pictures.




I think this was one of the worst movies of all time.
I can enjoy a nice exploitation movie (like men behind the sun) but this one was so unintentionally bad (was that a FOOT they were.... 'doing things with'???) the camp didn't look like the 'hell on earth' it was supposed to look like and the prisoners looked like they were having a pretty good time. The effects were pathetic to say the least.
It could have worked out but it wasn't meant to be :)
However, if you really want to buy it, some funny stuff to look for:
Ilsa is EVERYWHERE where people are being 'tortured' or maimed, 20 sec later she is at another place in a completely different outfit. She must have one hell of a condition.
Every quote by the male lead is golden (I guess you can call me a freak of nature)
The general's laughter the first time he sees the jewish woman on the iceblock!! It goes a bit like hihihiHAWHAWHAWHAW WUNDERBAR WUNDERBAR and it really cracked me up.
The STUPID effects. The maggots are clearly just crawling over a piece of leather which is laying on an arm. The 'foot' (what the hell was that thing)

I got a pretty good laugh out of this movie nonetheless but I don't think that was the director's intention :) Haven't seen the 3 sequels yet but my friend owns them too so I'll probably end up borrowing them anyway :)


I think the effects on Ilsa were actually pretty good to be on low budget film. The make-up on the tortured girl who climbs on Ilsa at the end still looks pretty good. They definetely weren't stupid. Ilsa isn't shocking movie (for some) but it still is rather effective. Foot also looked good if you didn't stop thinking that further-than-needed.

I bashing Ilsa for bad acting or some continuity errors (the make-up on girl, whose face is all burnt on other side, changes all the time!) is just plain idiotic. What more can you expect from exploitation flick? Off course, unless you are 15-year-old kid, who just have laught everything "horrific" so you can brag to everyone later on. "Hey, look at me! I think Ilsa is funny! How cool am I? No my virtual-penis is enormous!"



You can special order the dvd at Hasting's. That is how I got my three Ilsa movies.


Beat this for simplicity and a surprise. I found my box set for this at....ya ready?.......Barnes and Noble. I also happened to find Cannibal Ferox there as well. So before ya spend money on shipping check out your local B&N as well as Borders. You might be surprised by what you can find.
