MovieChat Forums > Ilsa: She Wolf of the SS (1975) Discussion > How close to a porn movie is this??

How close to a porn movie is this??

Okay, I'm really into movies that is disturbing and can make me feel sick for days etc etc, but I don't want it to be too porn (without being porn). So, isn't this just a kinky porn movie to some extend, or am I completely wrong. Don't wanna start any flamewars, just wanna know if this is my kinda movie...


Prepare to evacuate soul.


you got it right, just a kinky movie


Quite frankly, the violence is carried out too well in order for even the few "sex" scenes to be particularly pornographic. If you are worried about this film straddling the line between kinky sex scenes and softcore porn masquerading as filmmaking, don't be. It's very much a "real" film.


I agree, there is a lot of nudity but no explicit sex. The only "copulation" scenes are very mild (man on top, lots of writhing, etc). But you do see a lot of female full frontal nudity, mostly in the examination and torture scenes.

So not porn, but the fact that some of the torture scenes are overtly sexual (electrified dildos and a burning ember inserted into a woman) makes this definitely adult-oriented.

I had a female friend ask to see something "shocking" of mine once, and we watched this...I wanted to sink throught he floor when those scenes came on!

She seemed to survive it though.


Indeed it has several intercourse scenes between wardens and prisoners. Not so beautiful but still sexual scenes.


I would say this one has less sex than a pretty commercial film like "Eyes Wide Shut"...pound for pound. There are less people having sex and maybe only 2-5 total characters involved in the various scenes that span the whole film (it's not like EWS with a huge orgy smack in the middle of it)

There's tons of nudity, but not more than one of those '80's flicks that involved college kids and beer.

The sex scenes are not really all that graphic, the torture scenes are pretty bloody, but, still rather "dated" (much of it is implied rather than shown up close and personal--the castration scene for one).

For 2006...This would be a strong R (with trimming) seeing an utterly pointless piece of garbage like "Hostel" was R and was more about a fictional story than actual, documented forms of torture as they took place in death camps.

