First film I couldn't watch :S
So I'd been wanting to see 'Ilsa' for ages, as all that seems to be available in the UK is 'Ilsa the Wicked Warden', which I've been advised to avoid.
Finally I get the inspiration to get it off Ebay (multi regional Korean copy). Settle down all excited and ready for anything.
I must have got about twenty minutes/half an hour in and I had to turn off. I just couldn't go any further with it. It's still sitting on my shelf, and I don't think I have the stomach.
The thing is, this isn't the most disturbing movie I've seen. The one film which has truly terrified me was 'Se7en' (I was young when I first saw it), but I've seen plenty of nasty films and hardly batted an eyelid (well, obviously I was shocked in places, but quickly got over it). I mean I've seen Caligula, Salo, Cannibal Holocaust, I spit on your grave, The Exorcist, Dumplings... basically a lot of what are considered 'disturbing' movies, and I'm totally fine.
Ilsa seems to be my 'Everest' when it comes to this kind of movie.
Anyone else felt this way? I think it was the woman being boiled alive which ended it for me... I just couldn't handle that image :S can anyone tell me if I should go back to it, or if I'm over the worst?
(apologies for legnth, but never girth)
T-bag: Unfortunately Pretty, that ain't an option...