First film I couldn't watch :S


So I'd been wanting to see 'Ilsa' for ages, as all that seems to be available in the UK is 'Ilsa the Wicked Warden', which I've been advised to avoid.
Finally I get the inspiration to get it off Ebay (multi regional Korean copy). Settle down all excited and ready for anything.
I must have got about twenty minutes/half an hour in and I had to turn off. I just couldn't go any further with it. It's still sitting on my shelf, and I don't think I have the stomach.

The thing is, this isn't the most disturbing movie I've seen. The one film which has truly terrified me was 'Se7en' (I was young when I first saw it), but I've seen plenty of nasty films and hardly batted an eyelid (well, obviously I was shocked in places, but quickly got over it). I mean I've seen Caligula, Salo, Cannibal Holocaust, I spit on your grave, The Exorcist, Dumplings... basically a lot of what are considered 'disturbing' movies, and I'm totally fine.

Ilsa seems to be my 'Everest' when it comes to this kind of movie.

Anyone else felt this way? I think it was the woman being boiled alive which ended it for me... I just couldn't handle that image :S can anyone tell me if I should go back to it, or if I'm over the worst?

(apologies for legnth, but never girth)

T-bag: Unfortunately Pretty, that ain't an option...


Go back to you video store and demand to rent Bambi you Muppet!


What the hell are you taking about???

If you LOVE atheism and are 100% proud of it copy this and make it your signature!


What the hell are you taking about???
After reading your original post I had come to the conclusion that you didn't care for Ilsa much because it was too violent.

I was merely trying to be helpful and steer you towards a movie without quite so much violence that you might find more to your taste. Though I admit there is the part with the forest fire that might offend some sensitive viewers.


If you'd read my post you'd have got that I generally like 'violent' films, but there was something about this one which affected me in an odd way. Just wondering if anyone else who usually liked this kind of movie saw something different in Ilsa.

But yeah, you're hilarious, good for you.

If you LOVE atheism and are 100% proud of it copy this and make it your signature!


Sorry, if you didn't care much for my comments. Such is life.

No, this movie didn't bother me much. I looked upon it as a cartoon rather than something that really happened. For a movie that did shake me to the core, that I found very uncomfortable watching and afterwords check out Martyrs that was released in either '07 or '08.

I wont spoil if for you but if you can watch it without being disturbed you are much tougher than I. If you can't find it, look around. I'm 50% sure I saw it at Amazon, and I think OnDemand actually ran it over the summer It can also be found in some of the darker (not porno, but rather not so public) areas of the internet.

or if I'm over the worst?
It has been ages since I've seen Ilsa, but the scene that I remember was the Dinner decoration and then the activities right after dinner that I found most disturbing. The boiling scene I barely remember, there is also another scene later on that has a red hot medical experiment that I thought was nasty. Sorry, I don't want to spoil it and I can't remember what order these other scenes were in. It seems to me the boiling/cooling experiments were fairly early on.

All, in all I liked the movie and it does have a fairly happy ending.


I got news for you.. That Korean dvd you have is actually censored. The original film is even more brutal!


Yes it's a disgusting and erotic movie all the way! really pushes the limits of violence along with "Martyrs".

"You gotta be Fking kidding"-The Thing.



That's weird you say Antichrist and Eraserhead got to you. I just watched Eraserhead yesterday morning. It was bizarre, but I didn't think it was disturbing. Antichrist was okay, but that scene with the scissors (you know what I'm talking about...) I was like *beep* Am I really watching this? Haha. But that wasn't disturbing either. Man Bites Dog I didn't care for all that much. But I did like Cannibal Holocaust. I applaud you for sitting through the Guinea Pig and August Underground movies though. I still have yet to see those (they aren't my cup of tea, so I doubt I'll ever watch them), and I still have yet to see Salo. Although I just bought that for my brother for Christmas, so I'm going to watch that soon. And I haven't seen Ilsa. I don't want to buy it for a lot of money and not like it, and it sucks because netflix doesn't have it.

Martys is on my netflix list. Big fan of horror/slasher movies.

Have you seen Men Behind the Sun? If so, how did you like that? I'm really interested in seeing it, and it's on my netflix queue.

Is it normal for us to not be disturbed by these things we're watching? Or are we just desensitized? I've read a lot about Salo, and I'm hoping I'll be disturbed so I know I'm at least part way normal haha.

"Mind if I steal my wife?"
"You can't steal what's legally yours."


As I understand it, the Korean version is cut to shreds. What's to get offended about?
