Worse than Salo?

I watched Ilsa many (over 10) years ago when I was in my early 20's and was deeply disturbed by it. For this reason, I hesitated in viewing Salo until only about 6 months ago. I was surprised not only by how good Salo was, but how much more disturbing and shocking I found Ilsa. Salo has a few nasty scenes, to be sure, but Ilsa is just unrelenting.

I understand that the scenes with Ilsa and her male conquests are intended for camp effect, but the fact that they were intercut with scenes of horribly brutal torture really left a bad taste in my mouth. This is an ugly, ugly movie that left me feeling like I needed a shower afterwards.

In contrast, Salo actually has something meaningful to say with its scenes of depravity, and so I wasn't as disturbed (though I was grossed out at times).

I don't understand how some of the posters on here can refer to this movie as "fun". What's fun about it? Women being boiled alive and deliberately infected with syphilis is "fun"? Hostel is fun. Dead Alive (Braindead) is fun. Even The Devil's Rejects is "fun" compared to this. But this...this is one sadistic film, and it has no point other than to be sick and sadistic.


No, Isla is quite a bit tamer than Salo. Sure their doing weird kinky sadistic things, but most of it is played for laughs and wtfs.

The movie is also quite a bit of fun, perhaps you need a cup of nice hot chocolate with marshmallows. Check out Netflix, they may have Bambi or Heidi playing which are both flicks that are more your speed.

My World: http://www.imdb.com/list/xV-oKAMa9aA/


What the hell are you talking about? I just told you that I watched Salo and you're recommending Bambi? Give me a ******* break, I've seen A Serbian Film dude. What are you in 10th grade? Get a clue. And yeah, I've seen Bambi too, because I watch all movies.


I liked Serbian Film too... The new genre comment, and the happy family scene had me on the floor alternating between laughter and wtf's.

I'm pretty sure I've seen Bambi, thought it was kind of scary. My wife made me watch Heidi, though I remember nothing about it.

Anyway, good luck and I hope your get your anger management issues worked out.

[sword] My World: http://www.imdb.com/list/xV-oKAMa9aA/


I've seen all three. A Serbian Film is the only one I could not make it through. I had to stop the movie and fast forward during "that one part" towards the end. I knew what was happening and I couldn't face it. But this is a real hoot in comparison to that.


A serbian film is simply a bad movie, there is nothing to be proud about of liking a terrible movie, you have bad taste.


Agree with you; this is an ugly, nasty film. The fact that more people don't agree is just a sad sign of how indifferent and desensitized people have become. Ilsa is so depraved that even the director had his name removed from the credits after viewing the completed film. Salo is easier to take because it has a message, and there is a lot of beauty and artistry mixed in with the vile goings on. Both films are nasty, but considering the subject matter, I think they needed to be. Incidentally there is some historical significance to 'Ilsa: She Wolf of the SS,' as her character was based on a real woman, who got great enjoyment out of torturing prisoners, and dressing in a very sexual manner.

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'


The director didn't take his name off the film, in fact he went on to direct the first sequel. The producer, David Friedman, took his name off the film, but not because he was ashamed of it or anything - he had a disagreement with the financiers. He talks about this on the audio commentary.
