I rented this after hearing how it's a favorite of several directors like Rob Zombie and Tarantino and after viewing Zombie's fake trailer, "Werewolf Women of the SS" I was interested. Ok I watched the movie and I was pretty disgusted by what I was, now I will admit it's very well made for being shot in 9 days but this flick is too much to stomach. The movie is nothing but vagina mutilations and that is the worst thing one can do to a woman. I sat there sick and grossed out but I did make it to the end and immediately sent this awful movie back to Vulcan Video. I just don't get it, I never found the movie entertaining and this is fave of fans of grindhouse flicks? I don't know maybe they saw something I didn't. It's easy to see why a lot of crew and actors worked on this thing with pseudenymns.
What tosses my cookies is not prudes, nor the morally censorious in art, but the brainwashed vapid product of Hollywood brainwashing. The ones who are no longer human enough to enjoy being disgusted. .. In truth Hollywood creates it's own audience, the symbiosis of the vampire and the vampire-sucked to brainlessness.
They create audience in any shape they deem and they can create the anti-matter of the current audience, the audience as product has no more substance than a shadowy blip on a screen caused by the dust mote floating on the lens cap.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but the scene where Ilse starts yapping about cauterizing the bud (or something), would be the scene that was being referred to.
One of many great scenes in this movie.
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In addition to all of this, the movie proves yet again another uncomfortable truth to counteract the many arguments of either feminists (though some of them maybe more balanced and experienced and restrained enough than others and thus see the differences and truth) or people who generally just believe otherwise that, as uncomfortable, strange, weird and mind-boggling as it may sound, women can at times be just as evil, and often as strong but not in the right sense, as men, and commit evil deeds and destructive crimes.
And this goes to both war-like and peaceful times as well.
The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!
In addition to all of this, the movie proves yet again another uncomfortable truth to counteract the many arguments of either feminists (though some of them maybe more balanced and experienced and restrained enough than others and thus see the differences and truth) or people who generally just believe otherwise that, as uncomfortable, strange, weird and mind-boggling as it may sound, women can at times be just as evil, and often as strong but not in the right sense, as men, and commit evil deeds and destructive crimes.
Feminism has never suggested that women are incapable of evil. On the contrary, patriarchal societies are usually the ones who consider women pure and blameless. Feminism directly challenges that myth.
------------- Life doesn't imitate art, it imitates bad television reply share
Movies like this to an extent ALSO challenge that myth.
But online, SO many people have argued that this is what feminists actually believe, and in general, including that all men are bad etc.
By the way, I know I probably state the obvious in here but...
Sometimes, if you want to learn more about certain things in life, you need to read books on the subjects rather than just follow online internet discussions.
The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!
Sometimes, if you want to learn more about certain things in life, you need to read books on the subjects rather than just follow online internet discussions.
Oh I agree, which is why I find it odd that you are describing a tenet of feminism based online internet discussions.
Or have I misunderstood your post?
------------- Life doesn't imitate art, it imitates bad television reply share