The Holy Mountain or.....

Eraserhead? Me and my friend argued about this. I think Eraserhead is stranger and he thinks the holy mountain is stranger. What do you think?

I just Love Film.


They`re are both equally weird, but they are both very different films. Eraserhead is like a strange bad dream, both in terms of how it looks and it`s atmosphere, and then The Holy Mountain is a total insane spiritual journey to enlightenment and then back to boring reality. Yep they`re both equally nuts and brilliant.

Greetings traveller.


Yeah i always said that Eraserhead was more scientific and that The Holy mountain was more religous.

I just Love Film.


Flip a Quarter!


Interesting question. You ask which is "stranger" meaning weird, foreign, unexpected, or bold. Not which is better.

I think the bolder, more unexpected one is "The Holy Mountain". But in a way, it all seems familiar at the same time. It's like Jodorowsky unlocked the secrets of all of our dreams. And so, not only is it the stranger one, it's also the most normal one, and the best. Truth be told, I couldn't even get through "Eraserhead", it was too slow and uninteresting for me: one guy struggling with the idea of having a kid. Whereas "Holy Mountain" was like that plus everything else in life. A one of a kind achievement.

*This is a place to write anything I think is important or smart or cute. It ends all my comments.*


Well The Holy Mountain comes out and shows you almost everything. I think Eraserhead has alot more subtext.

I just Love Film.


I have to agree... i liked holy mountain much more than Eraserhead. But I suppose that's why i'm on this board and not eraserhead.

holy mountain is sensory overload; eraserhead is sensory deprivation. they both mess you up.
