MovieChat Forums > La montaña sagrada (1975) Discussion > I made it to the frogs and the pyramid o...

I made it to the frogs and the pyramid of blood...

And I had to turn it off. I almost puked. What a horrible, disgusting piece of trash.

"Surrender Dorothy!"




The plot hadn't even started up at that point.


lol, this guy thinks there is a plot in this movie somewhere xD


Wow, get REAL! Or at least take a history class. What did you think happened when Cortez (and his microbial friends) wiped out Aztec civilization? Yeah, it was a blood bath... of MUCH greater magnitude than Jodorowsky's depiction. I'm assuming you are human, probably even a Christian--well, this is part of your HISTORY. In fact, it occurred only about 500 years ago. Deal with it.


Wow, what a closed-minded individual. He probably has the creativity of a rock.

"You are the Duke of New York! You are A # 1!"
Power to the People


"If you are wonderful, El Topo is wonderful. If you are limited, El Topo is limited"


I enjoyed Jodorowsky's films, but if I were there on set, when he is about to murder an animal, i would have beat the s*it out of him.


Yes, Cortez did wipe out Aztecs, but there is no justification for slaughtering animals in a reconstruction - basically, we are involving other species in our own cruel past, and for our own 'artistic' purposes.

As I've said in another thread, I find Jodorowsky's films interesting, but I really do think his surrealism and 'meaning' is quite naive and obvious. This film in particular is like an extended Monty Python sketch with added violence, and less insight!


I hope all of you guys talking about how killing an animal for "artistic purposes" is wrong are vegans. If not, shut your mouths and go eat some dead cow/pig/chicken/lamb/whatever. You don't need to kill animals for anything. Period. It's all a matter of choice and ethics play no part if you're eating a cheeseburger while typing that out.

"He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man" - Dr. Hunter S. Thompson


Well no, because food is necessary to... not die of starvation.

The Holy Mountain is not necessary for anything. If I had never heard of this film I would still be living a happy life.


And all these animals would still be now dead


Even if you hate Uwe Boll, give Postal a try, be offended or entertained.


Well no, because food is necessary to... not die of starvation.

Killing animals is not necessary to prevent starvation.

Much of the world uses insects for protein, I'd prefer to eat a few hundred termites than a cow or a pig. Not to mention you only need 1.7 pounds of feed to make a pound of insect protein instead of over 7 pounds of feed to make one pound of cow protein...

Also, I'd rather be an animal dying and being in a movie than a chicken in a North American chicken farm that never gets to see the light of the sun once in it's life.


I will make sure to eat an extra chicken this week since you seem to be against it. Then next week I'll make sure to have a barbecue in your honour. Not only will we consume beef and chicken but also lamb.


I hope all of you guys talking about how killing an animal for "artistic purposes" is wrong are vegans. If not, shut your mouths and go eat some dead cow/pig/chicken/lamb/whatever. You don't need to kill animals for anything. Period. It's all a matter of choice and your ethics play no part if you're eating a cheeseburger while typing that out. I'm not some crazed animal rights dip s h i t protesting outside a KFC about how "MeAt iZ MuRdER" or anything, you guys are just being contradicting.

"He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man" - Dr. Hunter S. Thompson





I enjoyed Jodorowsky's films, but if I were there on set, when he is about to murder an animal, i would have beat the s*it out of him.

C'mon, please! Why aren't you at the slaughterhouses murdering the purple eff out of the butchers, then? I'm guessing you're one of the people who gave "Cannibal Holocaust" a one star based solely on its animal violence.

"Introduce a little anarchy." ~The Joker
"We Fascists are the only true anarchists." ~The Duke


I can Cannibalt Holocaust a 1 star cause it sucked. How bout that.


Supposedly he himself didn't murder any animals. Most of the corpses came from local restaurants, including the scene with all the crucified animals. He himself has spoken out against animal cruelty and through this film I think he shows how it is quite a barbaric part of the human experience.


What?? Are you serious?? He REALLY murdered all those animals on screen??

I assumed the deaths were all fake--what the hell! How cruel and unecessary! I have NO respect for this douchbag if all those animal deaths were real/done for the film!



HahahahaAHGAAGHAHAH, that's one of the greatest quotes in history, definitely one that gets an idiot to shut the *beep* up.


Why bother watching his films if you can't even finish them? It's that damn MTV that gave you that short of an attention span and it's that damn God guy that everyone keeps quoting that makes you disgusted. That scene made me aware of the fact that toads can indeed kill a iguana that's dressed like an aztec, but ONLY if that toad is dressed like a Spanish conquistador. Where else would you have learned that?


That scene made me aware of the fact that toads can indeed kill a iguana that's dressed like an aztec, but ONLY if that toad is dressed like a Spanish conquistador. Where else would you have learned that?

Yes, but it failed to teach you the difference between iguanas and chameleons... which is what they actually were.

"Your meat..." *puts on sunglasses* " bloody tough" YEAAAHHHHHHHH!


Why bother watching his films if you can't even finish them?
In his defense, perhaps the power on his cell phone was low so he couldn't finish watching the movie?


No, this mvie is not for everybody. If you found it that disturbing,you were wise to turn it off! It gets more shocking as it goes. When this opened in cinemas in 1973 lots of the audiences were decimated in the first few minutes. The ones who hung in there were dazzled then dashed by the ending. Nobody liked this film completely right away.
Still, you might want to check whoever recommended it to you in the first place and disregard their enthusiasms in the future as they are very different from anything mainstream. Those of us who like this movie get pretty excited about it BECAUSE it is so full of surprises. Others are just intrigued by it but would like it better if it were a collection of paintings executed over a lifetime. No one should be forced to watch anything that will disturb them. Sometimes those of us who like films of flavor and substance end up dying of hunger for something exciting and when we find it, enthuse indiscriminately to anyone who'll listen, including nice people like you who can't, won't, shouldn't or just plain wouldn't like to get it. You may have to tell us to zip it or just nod and say "That's nice, dear." or "Mmmm"
You don't have to see it.



I am vegan and this movie I don't even know if I can bring myself to fault for what it did because what this movie accomplishes is so great. Their lifes were taken from them, but it was in turn part of an everlasting gift to those willing to accept it. It really makes me conflicted because as anti ANY animal abuse as I am, this movie is too right and too necessary for me to ever want anything changed or taken out of it. Their death was beautiful and a REAL gift to us, not something selfish like us just wanting them dead because we think they taste good. To attain this amazing thing - the movie, they had to be killed. They weren't killed because someone was being selfish, they were killed in a way that makes their death a real gift instead of something fleeting, irresponsible, and cold hearted.

Edit: I think a fitting term would be sacrificed.


Amen brother!


I don't think the animals would have considered it a 'gift'!

Your comments are all about the deaths being a gift to US.

Just about sums up the selfish arrogance of the human race ... :)


What about a cow's sacrifice so that I can be fed? Mmmm, hamburger.

My Reviews -


I eat dead animals and I recognize that every time I eat. I accept it as a natural part of life. The natural cycle of life for most every living creature is rough and quite merciless. Be that as it may, the fact that I eat animals does not suggest that I do not respect these living creatures, what they have given me, and their existence as a whole, and in my mind the actual slaughter of animals on film for "artistic" purposes truly degrades the art and exposes a lack of creativity and compassion that the art seems to strive for. I was very interested in looking into Jodorowsky's films like El Topo and The Holy Mountain before but upon hearing of the scenes of reptiles being destroyed and slaughtered dogs, I am seriously put off to look into his work. Yes, I perfectly understand cows and chickens and pigs are slaughtered by the truckload to feed the masses and I accept the death of living things to sustain life, but I feel the handling of these animals as penned -in-steaks is just as disrespectful as Jodorowsky's killing of creatures for his "artwork". Animals must die to become what sits on a dinner table, but until they die they're living creatures and deserve some respect and dignity in their deaths. Being stuffed in a conquistador costume and blown up en masse for some so-called artist's pretentious desires is a miserable end for any living creature, and regardless if you eat meat or not, the things we share this planet with deserve respect because their pain and death contributes to our life. Hell, they deserve respect just because we share this planet with them, predator or prey.

In contrast, however, I believe the film Oldboy is absolutely brilliant and that features a scene of Oh Dae-su eating a live octopus. However its actually a fairly common meal over there and, well, that happens in the natural world every day. In my mind its no different than watching a nature documentary. In addition the actor said a prayer for every octopus he ate which at leasts shows some respect for the living thing. Hell, the way things die in the wild is pretty horrible, but that's the cycle of life. Eating a live octopus? That happens naturally every day. Blowing up scores of lizards and frogs dressed in conquistador outfits for art? That's needless and shows a true bankruptcy of artistry, creativity, and respect for life.

Label me an insular, limited person all you want because the only limited, insular people I see here are those who believe anyone denying Jodorowsky's work must be a lowly person.


Killing animals or food is okay, but just killing them for a movie is kind of messed up.


This film can be enjoyed by many. Satiating your hunger is only enjoyed by one.


The dog fighting scene, cant be over 3 minutes, is real. But dammit, it did what it was supposed to; I was shocked, disgusted, and intrigued, and then it moved on.

I'm sure most people that get offended at this don't eat meat nor have they seen animals butchered.

The thing is this is what the majority of the planet believes in, at least, animals for food. So when I pick up my double cheese burger is it as offensive as when we see two dogs fighting, a bull slain in a bull fight? There's something visceral, something cathartic, and something disgusting in seeing an animal shed another animals blood (animal channel).

We wont evolve beyond this. It's like saying I don't wanna see people get wet in the rain.

This like death is a fact of life. And it wasn't gratuitous. There was a purpose to the tale. It was mythology utilizing the technology of our times. All life is not equal. If it was you animal cruelty folks wouldn't allow PEOPLE to starve, get killed in wars, etc.

Sweep an ant out of your path and PAY TAXES??? Not eat meat and your hands are clean and you can't see sacrifice? How many insects and habits are effected by the farming of grains that sustain you? Even green organic farms are taking habitat. Don't even say we not contributing to slaughter of innocents.

There's blood on our hands. Is it there so I can watch more movies, buy a dvd, raise my family and die at 80 (taking life from others in improvised countries from my consumption of resources?

I really don't know. It's just not right use of my indignation and rage. I'd rather intervene when I see someone so tired they're roughing up their kid in the park. So, I guess I've brought my sphere of control to what I can impact directly. The rest of the shy-it is out of my hands till we get our priorities straight. humans are priority number 1. Everything suffers till we wake up and I'd rather it was a toad, and a dog, than a child or me or you.


> The dog fighting scene, cant be over 3 minutes, is real. But dammit, it did what it was supposed to; I was shocked, disgusted, and intrigued, and then it moved on.

The movie sounded interesting until I heard about all this animal abuse. I don't need to see a movie of it to shock and disgust me. I'm aware of it almost every day.


you almost puked? i feel bad for you. i don't know how you live a life so weak willed


Well, I wasn't particularly bothered by either toads killing the chameleons OR the fighting dogs at the end. Has no one ever seen dogs fight before??

However, I won't watch Cannibal Holocaust. Scalping a monkey? Slicing open a giant tortoise? F uck that!
