MovieChat Forums > The Great Gatsby (1974) Discussion > Everyone in this movie is on drugs

Everyone in this movie is on drugs

It seems to me that the entire cast of this movie EXTRAS AND ALL were on drugs. They had to be. The way these people acted in this movie was so bizarre that it couldn't possibly have happened that way without the aid of drugs. For me the whole film was basically a PSA telling me not to do crack, and because of this movie...I won't try crack...ever....


Weren't YOU on drugs when you wrote this message? Perhaps the most brainless message I ever read here, if stupidity was punishable you should be sentenced for life. Get a brain, dude.


Get a brain dude? Listen to yourself you halfwit. If you've even seen this movie you'd know how strangely the people act and wouldn't be commenting about the ineptitude of my character. You are a fool.


Stupid troll....

My friend, he took his final breath
Now I know the perfect kiss is the kiss of death.


haha our entire class thought so too.

Daisy and Myrtle are freakin psychos lol

i'm kidding..sorta:)


Have you had much to do with the rich? They live in a whole other world, and that's one of the things that the movie portrayed quite well.

