Once upon a time, there wasn't many African Americans on television or in the movies. So they made movies targeting them, thinking blacks would go to see movies with blacks in them. A good many who went to see them were 8, 10, and 12 or so. The older more mature African American movie goers, saw how bad Pam Grier and other black films were and stop going. A few weren't so bad, but generally speaking, the films got a reputation as being racist, sexist, and violent. The young black kids who saw them were lured away by more fun films like "Star Wars" "Superman" "Jaws" and such. Not black films, but more fun.
Today, blacks are unlikely to see a film simplly because it advertises that blacks appear in them. But once upon a time, they did. A film like it today would flop hard.
If they want African Americans in films, there is Morgan Freeman, Denzel W, James Earl Jones, who are not famous for doing the racist, sexist films of the past, but award winning quality films.
Now that I think about it, Halie Berry may be behind the times, doing the trampy stuff that blacks (and whites) quit seeing decades ago. There were films she never should have done.