Where do they go?

Oscar explains when they catch the dope pushers, they put them on trains and send them to the next town or the next city or something. Michael asks what happens if they come back, Oscar replies they don't come back. What's he mean by that, that they're dragged out somewhere and shot or something?


Did you see the ass whoopin the drug dealer has to go through to get shipped outta town? I imagine they just send the problem to another town to deal with. The drug dealers can easily set up shop elsewhere.

I've always wanted to say this..........for shizzle!


Yeah but I find it a little hard to believe they would just let them go like that...I mean yeah they won't be a problem there anymore, but they'll be a problem somewhere else, and it just doesn't seem to me, like the neighborhood committee would let trash like that go to set up shop again.
