MovieChat Forums > Foxy Brown (1974) Discussion > This movie was great!!!!

This movie was great!!!!

Who else thinks this movie was great! This is a forgotten classic of the mid 70s. I love the humor, style, sex appeal, and violence in the movie (Especially when she cuts one guy with a coathanger and then lights the other guy on fire). Don't know why I'm the only one to create a message?

"You don't know how hard it is being a man looking at a woman looking the way you do."


I'd like to see it.


U really should. I'd highly reccomend it. 7/10

"You don't know how hard it is being a man looking at a woman looking the way you do."


I will.


Let me know what u think.

"You don't know how hard it is being a man looking at a woman looking the way you do."


I liked it, but I enjoyed "Coffy" a little more. Pam Griers' character in Coffy was more believable, and , of course, you see more of Pam Grier's, ah, assets. But Foxy Brown is still worthwhile, and I recommend it. Antonio Vargas was great, too.



I started to watch Pam in BIG DOLL HOUSE the other day and I turned it off because it was so great and I was alone! Thats the kinda movie you get a few beers and a few good friends and watch. Is that funny? Turning a movie off cuz its good??? Hahaha. I also bought FOXY BROWN which I havent watched yet. I'll have to have a PAM GRIER FESTIVAL one night.

*** Marry me,Hal! ***


She's so incredibly, painfully hot in Foxy Brown. It makes Max Cherry even more glorious.


This movie had it all: Pam Grier as a kickass female vigilante going undercover as a whore! Junaita "CAGED HEAT" Brown as a fellow whore in trouble! And last but not least....Anthony "Huggy Bear" Vargas as no-good brother Link. In this movie every single white person is evil and everything houshold object fashioned into a weapon (a hanger claws an eye, a barstool stops a mean lesbian dead in her tracks) All put to a funky beat. Whats not to love???
* Like most blaxpoitation films watch with group of friends and case of beer,

*** Marry me,Hal! ***


Not great enough for four exclamation points,pal. At the time when racist sterotypes were plentiful on television and screen the movie came out and many didn't appreciate what looked like more of the same. Many of these films were what one person wrote on a theater: SEXIST, RACIST, TRASH and Foxy was a violent comedy. If there is one good Black in the film (the informer?) he isn't around for long and the entire movie is an excuse to show hookers, dope dealers, and sick sadistic violence for kicks. Shaft one an image award from the NAACP, but there is nothing of a good image in Foxy Brown. Wouldn't the film have made more sense if she was an attractive undercover cop or agent against ruthless villians? What was her job in the film anyway? I just thought the other side of the coin should be seen.


Relax "ae7641", It's all in good fun. Foxy brown is chocolate cinema at it's finest.
" top of the world ma "


oh im with you on that one thorglife420. this movie is BADASSSS! and if you guys like this then check out Coffy (if you havent already)


Yeah, it was a great film. Check out Jack Hill's other stuff. He makes some very unique films.

The Motorcycle Boy Reigns



Yeah that was funny.

One other great part is when Linc's girfriend get's her throat slashed by one of the thugs then he says "Too bad, she was a good looking piece." I was rolling on the floor. Try doing that in a film today.

Why don't you put this on autopilot so we can go in the back and get it on?

I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy.


Saw this on TCM Underground a couple years ago. I really liked it. I found a DVD copy today, only $2.99, but sadly I couldn't find a copy of COFFY to go with it.

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