Any fans out there?

Come on, there's gotta be some fans of Double Agent 73 out there! It's far goofier than Deady Weapons, as Chesty Morgan has to act even more in this one, wear even more hideous outfits and generally cause much more outlandish mayhem with her...weapons.
I'm thinking of having a party and making my friends watch it, I think it's that funny...I love watching films where conversations consist of shots of shoes, walls and the backs of people's heads.


I liked it too. I just saw it for the first time.

I think that she's got the largest boobies I've ever seen. Anybody know if she had implants?



I wouldn't call myself a "fan"... But this film was far & away better then "Deadly Weapons". THAT film was awful!

Trust me,


i saw this last night on drive in classics, so weird and wondered what the hell

I KNOW 2 things that are clear.I'm a great sinner,Christ is a great Savior.



Count me among the fans. I saw it years ago and hadn't seen anything else like it. I'm a big fan of Doris Wishman.
