Missing piece of a scene?

Hi all!

Am I dreaming, or is there a missing piece of the scene where the Sheriff is questioning the guys at the flea market about the Charger?

I seem to recall that the guys, in trying to coyly "describe" the Charger to the Sheriff, have a round robin banter about the size of the Charger's engine - something like, "it had a 302 in it...Nah, it had a Hemi...No, I saw it, it was a 440..."

I remember this scene specifically for this apparently "missing" bit because my gearhead buddy and I used to riff on it all the time after we saw DMCL on cable TV or late night broadcast TV back in the early 1980's.

I taped this movie off of cable years ago and also have the DVD, and both seem to be missing a part of this above mentioned scene...





Sorry, I started a new thread on this very issue yesterday!

Glad I looked a little further! Thanks for verifying what I thought was the case; these two scenes (forgot about the "quarters" one) were shown on the "TV" version of DMCL. As a gearhead in my teens, I was always struck by the "fat guy" and his totally wrong comment about the Charger's engine ("stock block 351 Cleveland"...DUH!)

Alas, I guess no "easter egg" on the DVD with the "deleted scenes", at least none that I found...



Either we were both stoned or you are right. I have the exact same memory of that missing scene. I seem to recall the last guy saying something to the effect of..."No. It had a 440 in it. I saw the racng stripe." I saw that seen the first time I watched the movie sometime in the 70's (on ABC's Sunday Night Movie) and have'nt seen it since.


I hope when DVD's come out they include all the deleted scenes (DMCL, and Vanishing Point, etc.) and they are inserted into the films where they would have been. The people making the films should be involved in the making of the dvd's, as well.
