Infamous Train Crossing Location FOUND!!
So, with a LOT of spare time on my hands this weekend, I decided to "road trip" it to Linden, California to see if I could find some of the locations where "Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry" was filmed.
The good news is, I found several:
1) The "general store" where Mary "gets something for Deke's hand" is in Farmington, California (not far from Linden). It still looks EXACTLY the same (I took some pictures, and hope to post soon), except in the background, the railroad grade has been taken out and smoothed over.
2) The "pool hall" is in Linden, California, and is now closed. It was called "El Charro" bar, when last opened, but it looks to have been closed a while. I tried to park my truck where they parked the Charger behind the building, but turns out, that is someone's backyard now.
3) There is a shot in the film where both the Charger, and the Polara ("with no sirens or lights yet") take a hard right turn (right after the Charger runs another patrol car into a canal) I found this intersection as well (look for it on MapQuest -- it's the corner of Comstock and Clements Road in Linden).
4) Another shot during the final chase between the Charger and the Polara, where they make a hard right, and then a hard left (the Polara sideswipes a blue '68 Polara).
5) And the biggie -- without a doubt, I found "the train crossing!" SPOILERS AHEAD!!
It wasn't easy, but as I was driving around the Linden area, it was eerie how much the area looks just as it did 31 years ago -- the walnut groves and everything. There were a few intersections that looked very familiar from the film -- and then I figured, what the hell... I'll look for railroad tracks! I had my navigation system going, so I set out on a "sweep search" in Linden and nearby (where I'd seen many of the locations already), and after about 1/2 hour of looking, I found the crossing. There was no mistaking it. I took several pictures of it, and just now compared them to the final shot in the film. Looking at the tracks, the telephone poles, the street behind the tracks, the trees, etc,, this is clearly the intersection. MapQuest it to see... 17100 block of Ketcham Lane, and the 5100 North block of Archerdale Road in Linden. It's pretty clear the tracks are no longer used, but they are still there.
Anyway, wanted to pass this info along to the curious. As soon as I can build a site for the pics, I will post the link here.
I already updated this info on the IMDb, so it should appear shortly.