Bridge Jump Location

I think I found it...,-121.449893&spn=0.002148,0.005032

They jumped it going south to north.

I think I found "Dutton Flats" too...,-121.083884

In the movie you can barely make out the street sign there of "SIXTH" and "STATE HWY 88", and they drive across train tracks and turn into a long parking lot next to the highway where the flea market is.



I think you're right on both counts.

Especially with the Dutton Flats one. That was in the area I was looking, north east of Linden, but was not sure until you posted the link. When they first make the turn in the Chevy, they go up and over what appear to be railroad tracks. You can clearly see where a railroad WAS at one point in the satellite photo.

For the drawbridge, I agree with you there as well. There was a long straightaway leading to the bridge, then the bridge, and a slight right to left turn after the bridge. Interesting how they gave the impression that the bridge house was on the west side of the bridge (not the east, as it actually appears to be). That means the actual jump was filmed in the opposite direction of the car traveling -- maybe this was done to give the car a nice straight road to land on.

Great find! Now, I will update the "Locations" list...


I definitely agree with you on Dutton Flats. This is in the town of Clements and you can see a 'Clements Realty' sign in the film. Thank you for confirming this for me. I will check it out in July. (I am flying out from England on a three week round trip from Denver).

Regarding the lifting bridge: I will go take a look here too, even though the river/canal looks quite wide here on the satellite picture.

Thanks Jon.


My movie location photos are at


Thankyou! I've now got photos from my recent trip. Go to
