Grocery store manager

Was the grocery store manager played by Roddy McDowell? If so, why was he not credited? As a matter of fact, there is no listing for the manager in the closing credits. What gives?


Yeah that was him!


I just watched the dvd last night and on one of the extras it said that Roddy was a friend of the directors. He took the part even though it was a small one, and it was his idea to take no credit.


Yes as a favor because he was working on the legend of hellhouse for the same director I would pop the dvd in to watch the directors cut but im too damn tired :(

I've got a job, a secretary, a mother, two ex-wives and several bartenders that depend upon me


Thanks to all! I always wondered what was up with that. I came here in hopes of finding out why Roddy was never credited.
For a long time there, I thought he may have been too ashamed to be in this.


Hey...them's fight'n words!
Rodney did an awesome job! There was no monkey'n around for him.
DMCL is a classic.


