It's NOT a '68 Chevy

The police keep repeating they are looking for a '68 Chevy early in the film. Most car buffs would recognize that is a '66. I couldn't bear to keep watching, did the cops perhaps recognize their mistake later on in the movie?


Naw...they were too busy driving thru billboards and into rivers, having phone poles fall on them, and generally going off road unintentionally...Didn't see one Winchell's Donut House in entire movie...(Unrealistic with that many coppers)


Wasn't sure if it was a 65 or a 66, but knew right away it wasn't a 68.


65 has round tail lights. 2 on each side for Belair, Biscayne.
3 on each side for Impala. No Caprice in 65. That originated in 66.

In 65 parents bought 65 Belair 4-door sedan w/a.m., no f.m., auto, no a.c. Came with lap belts, but not required to wear at the time.

Plenty of room for drive-in theater. Many of you probably don't know of drive-in theater. Ask parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents. They might be old now, once they weren't.

I went ot. Hope people don't mind.
