Dialog among the worst ever

I like this film, but the writing is so atrocious I want to beat the sh!t out of everyone on screen except Vic. It is rare to see so many dumb characters spew such tremendously poor lines, like it was written by a kid who wanted to make his characters sound cool.

Were the story itself not decent and the film well shot with a killer climax, this would be a throw away piece of junk.


I agree.

Mary had the worst lines.

Turning up the brightness doesn't make this movie any smarter.


It's funny that you brought that up. I was in my kitchen cooking dinner while this movie was playing in my living room. Having to only hear the movie, I realized how incredibly clunky the dialogue scene was especially where Mary and Larry were arguing at the barn.

This movie falls under a guilty pleasure for me.


Apparently you folks weren't around in 1973. They are talking the way that generation spoke. Not the college crowd- the drop-out-and-turn-on crowd. The film is a metaphor for the dying dream of the counter culture revolution. For all their dreams of a better life and world to come, in the end, reality bites like a freight train.

Like the 1980s had 'totally' and 'fer shurr', the late 60s/early 70s had it's own lingo, too. So unload! KISS OFF! All you gotta be is willing to take it to the max.



Every generation has its own vernacular and this film is true to the 1970s. The characters lack of education affects their dialogue. Larry and Mary are not the swiftest tools in the shed, so their dialogue is necessarily lame and fits the context of the film. Even today, people who have difficulty with communication rely on cliche and whatever popular phrases are currently in vogue.


Yep, they're just a couple of turkeys looking to unload...seriously, a lot of the dialog in this flick is just awful by any standard.


I will braid your tits!


Exactly, my favorite line in the movie!


The dialog might be "among the worst ever", but that's the way a lot of high school dropouts spoke back then.

Hell, Mary acts like she barely made it through 9th grade, so it's no surprise she sounds like an idiot.



All I have to say about the dialouge in this movie is one phrase:


That is all.

"Bulls**t MR.Han Man!!"--Jim Kelly in Enter the Dragon



And of course the follow up a little later, 'Every bone in her crotch...that's what I'm gonna break.'



That's one of the dumbest lines ever.




I agree, but Vic could use a beating also.


Worst dialogue ever? Er, i don't think so!
I'm English so opinions may differ, but methinks you've overlooking the masterful screenplay of ' The Swarm ' (1978)
It makes this this movie look sound like Citizen Kane!!
" I'd never have guessed it would be the bees, they're supposed to be our friends "
If you've not seen it...don't bother, you'll lose the will to live after 45 minutes!
I'm surprised Michael Caine was allowed back here in the UK after that turkey!!


it is extremely difficult to get through this movie on many levels. high school acting class is better than this. the ending saves all (almost), but its a long ways getting there.

"You only need matches and balls and I got those"


More like the BEST ever. The writing in this is absolutely hilarious, old school and endlessly quotable.
