Susan George hot or not?

I must say when I first saw her I found her rather unattractive. Her face isn't anything special. But by the time the movie came lose to the end, I started seeing her as sexy and even cute. I think it might be her personality and behavior. So feminine and typically childish. Anyone else?


Hotness is in the eye of the beholder, but I always found her very much so.

For who would bear the whips and scorns of Hollywood... (;-p)


Very sexy except for those effing teeth. A typical example of the standards of British dentistry at the time she grew up. I had seen Susan George in Straw Dogs long before I saw DMCL and frankly, she was far sexier and less annoying in that one.


Definitely hot.


She was hot.... Looks and attitude..

Don't count on hell ever running out of room





I love women with that look.


Yes, very sexy. It's not like she's some inherently physical bombshell. But she's very cute, and has a very provocative sexy demeanor.




Not hot, but I'm a stickler for straight teeth, so...

I'll take the dark haired hick Larry stares at who bends over to get something out of her car in the mini dress. Remember her???


Should read: dark haired CHICKENS Larry was staring at that bent over to get something out of her car.


Yikes...I can't win with spell check.

Dark haired chick-lol.



by ProudTraitor » Wed Jun 12 2013 13:41:19
IMDb member since July 2003
Post Edited: Wed Jun 12 2013 13:43:16
I must say when I first saw her I found her rather unattractive. Her face isn't anything special. But by the time the movie came lose to the end, I started seeing her as sexy and even cute. I think it might be her personality and behavior. So feminine and typically childish. Anyone else?

No, she's just a plain Jane to me.


If you dont find susan george hot you have very special needs. I wont say you are probably a homosexual. But you must be.
