The End?????

Can someone tell me a description of th last half hour or forty five minutes????


I've seen it quite a long time ago, but I'll try: The Russian officer convinced Dersu to come with him to the city, and live with his family as a civilised person. Dersu has a hard time to get used to the city (brought back home by the police because he was chopping trees in the park:) etc) He couldn't get used to the city life, so he asked the officer to let him go back to the woods. The Officer detains him but gave it up, so he gives Dersu a very valuable gun, to hunt with. As we learn it later, this gun was Dersu-s doom, because he gets killed by a mugger for the expensive gun. The officer arranges a small funeral. final scene: years later the officer comes back to the grave, but cant find it, because it seemed the civilization has broken into the woods, where that great man was buried (constructions and a huge crowd can be seen at the once silent forest.)

something like that


That's a bit of bad luck. Anyway thank you alot. Thank's for rubbing off the cobwebs on this topic.


Im glad I could help!

