MovieChat Forums > Dersu Uzala (1977) Discussion > Soviet Dances With Wolves

Soviet Dances With Wolves

That's about it.

Only this came first, so that makes Dances With Wolves a capitalist Dursu Uzala.


Kinda turned inside out, that is... One movie is about one local meeting a bunch of outsiders, the other is about an outsider meeting a bunch of locals.

But I guess that's because of the Iron Curtain?


Just please don´t compare Starbucks to real coffee, man.


yeah "thats about it"




Like the man said, don't even dare to compare them. DWW is a moronic Hollywood Politbureau Political Correctness Lesson while Dersu is a MASTERPIECE.


I wouldn't call DWW moronic, it's pretty good in my opinion. Gave it 9/10. But yeah, Dersu is a masterpiece, 10/10

I exist.


I like both films but Dersu Uzala is a masterpiece. The films are not comparable even if there are similarities and I hate similarities being used to reduce them as one and the same as the OP has done. This is not a soviet DWW.

A bird sings and the mountain's silence deepens.
