When the Heroin, and later the Crack use went up-so did the CRIME!
WHY do folks always FORGET that little connection?! There were Always a LITTLE drugs in the Big Cities, but from the late Fifties on it got Much Worse! Who profited?? The Syndicates, and some corrupt cops. Meanwhile, the little old ladies started getting mugged, the burglaries skyrocketed, along with car stripping, prostitution, etc. etc. Not to mention all the hepatitis and AIDS from the dirty needles.
What to DO?!?
Legalize drugs for all addicts over eighteen years of age. I'm all For offering rehab, suboxone and/or methadone but come on!!
countries that made drugs available to addicts do not HAVE near as many problems!
And the rapists and gang bangers? SURE nail their asses. But ending the drug war drops crime and makes this easier to do.