date change?

Is this still coming out on Sept.22nd?
On amazon they now list it coming out on Oct.27th.
The code Red site still says the 22nd,whats the deal?

reply says Sept 22nd says Oct 27th Good Question



The prez (Bill Norton, Jr.) says Oct 27th.


Yea...It was postponed by a month due to the adding of a special interview with one of the cast members I believe.


Hello everyone...

Bzuleger is correct. October 27th is the set release date. We regret the delay from the original announced date of September 22, but some unexpected last minute interviews occured that we had been hoping to include on the DVD.

Basically, after we had everything ready to go in time to submit to the authoring facility, Willard Huyck had contacted us to let us know that Gloria Katz' brother (Stephen Katz, MESSIAH's cinematographer) was in town from Europe (where he usually resides and had been since we'd started working on this disc).

Then, another contact suddenly paid off when one of the cast members (one of the lead actresses) had finally returned a message that I had left for her after several fruitless attempts to reach her. Although I wasn't involved in conducting the interview (she contacted Code Red's founder directly), she consented to an interview on the spot (the only chance we had in order to accommodate any kind of reasonable [read: Before the end of the year] deadline).

We're very pleased that the anticipation on this release has been so overwhelming. We've spent the past year trying to contact the original participants in the film, conducting interviews as people became available.

The film was shot in 1971 and after that much time you find yourself in the difficult position of trying to excavate the memories of people who have long since forgotten anything relevant. (How many of us actually remember what we were doing thirty-eight years ago?) I personally spoke with three of the film's participants who declined to be interviewed for the DVD on the basis that they had no memory left of working on the film. One of those two -- now an Oscar nominee -- remembered being approached by Willard and Gloria, but said she was flabbergasted to learn all these years later that she was actually credited in the film as she didn't recall actually working on it!

I hope this is helpful in elaborating on an unfortunate delay of a title that we've worked very hard to give its due on DVD.

Kind regards,
Lee Chrisitan
Code Red DVD
