Uhhhhh.....Wow! I guess
This film is different. Kind of boring in parts, but as far out and strange as you can get. Not a great movie, but the talent of Peter Weir is so obvious.
Salvation is free
This film is different. Kind of boring in parts, but as far out and strange as you can get. Not a great movie, but the talent of Peter Weir is so obvious.
Salvation is free
it's really sort of unsettling isnt it. kind of like a stephen king movie atmosphere and it had the menace of The Car (1977)
The James Brolin film "The Car" is an excellent comparison, as is Stephen King's "Maximum Overdrive." This film had excellent atmosphere and buildup, but it just seemed to run out of ideas toward the end. Still, it's worthwhile for an early look at Peter Weird imagination. 6/10 stars.
sharegreat film
shareGreat for it's subtleties, and I just love the atmosphere. The shots of arthur driving at the end creeped me to no end.
shareA lot of atmosphere and strangeness but disappointing I felt. Like there was more there waiting to get out.
shareWhere's Waldo
If a person with multiple personality s threatens to commit suicide, is that a hostage situation
It reminded me more of the first Mad Max film, which I'm not a big fan of either. I found The Wicker Man (the original, not the crappy remake) much more entertaining.
shareThis film is worth it for about 3 scenes/shots alone - that I remember.
The start which felt like the kind of trashy cigarette advertising with the dude in the car before it all went BANG. This devise was exactly what Tarantino stole for Deathproof but Weir did it better, and smarter, 30 years ago. And there was more to the film than that one trick!
Second there was some fantastic photography when he is int he town and being menaced - if I recall it was him and the landscape outside the church.
Lastly, the shot where the local impales the raging car... did anyone else LOL at this point of the film?
There were points that reminded me of Sergio Leone. They had some music with harmonica that sounded like stuff he used. Then when he showed about 6 of the car guys staged side by side across the widescreen picture. I really enjoyed this film.
shareI thought the bizarro square-dancing scene was pretty inspired, too. There was a Belgian horror movie a few years ago, called "Calvaire", that basically ripped off that one scene and turned it into a whole movie.
It's also really weird that this came out within months of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. They have incredibly similar premises, albeit different emphases -- obviously this one has a much lighter touch.