Great Censorship
Hey All. I enjoy censored lines that become funnier through the way they are censored. One that always comes to mind is in Blazing Saddles. When censored for TV, Slim Pickens line about the #6 dance is hilarious.
Slim Pickens: "Well that's when we go a-ridin' into town....a whoppin' and a whuppin'....every living thing that moves, within an inch of its life......cept the women-folk of course"
Harvey Korman: "You spare the women?!"
Slim Pickens: "No we rape the number 6 dance later on!"
Hilarious the way it sounds. Would like others to post notable example.
Other I'm particularly fond of are:
-Die Hard with a Vengeance: Zeus - "Look not all brothers know how to shoot guns you racist melon farmer!"
-Rain Man: "Uh oh...passed gas". Tom Cruise: "Did you just pass Ray? Did you just freakin' pass?!"
Lots of great examples that escape me. But please post yours.