by the way i just found out by watching eli roth's history of horror show something about something i've always thought about. which is the formula of slasher movies made from the late '70s to right now. i used to think that there is a formula that all directors had to follow to make a slasher movie and that there was no reason for this formula. but i found out by watching this show that the reason why this formula exists is to make money because that's what the movie fans want. also they made different slasher movies in the '90s like scream to offset the tired cliches of countless '80s slasher movie sequels.
but all you said about it are good things in it's favor so it should be rated higher on here based on all you said about it. expectations are one thing but if you are dumb and expecting bad things from a movie then your opinion or wrong thinking a movie is bad based off of your incorrect thoughts are not correct.
even the most jaded, hardened, cynical, and seen it all, burnt out, watched 1000 slasher movies in their lives people all are immensely impacted by this epic and amazing film. so i think even if you have dumb expectations for what a slasher movie should be you have no control over being blown away and impressed by this physically effecting and impactful film.