joke about the gorilla

i must say that i do not understand this joke. can someone spell it out for me?


Always wondered that myself


I think the joke is meaningless and the boy uses it to annoy and wind up his mum and dave. And it works.


That's what I figured. I just wanted to ensure I didn't miss something. Thanks.


I just thought he didn't understand it himself.


According to the making of featurette, the actor who played the boy actually spent a long time in a car ride telling the joke to Scorsese. Scorsese decided to have the actor tell the joke in the film.


Tommy screws it up royally but the jest of it is that a hunter is continually chasing gorillas (of ever increasing size) out of trees. When the gorillas fall out of the tree the dog bites it's balls. The final gorilla pulls one over on the hunter and he falls out of the tree instead. He yells "shoot the dog, shoot the dog" because he doesn't want the dog to bite his balls like they did to the other gorillas.

It's not that funny anyway but the way the kid just can't pull it together is pretty funny if you already knew the joke.


Guess you had to be there.
