Socorro sucks!

Well, does it?

I know the Socorro, New Mexico scenes in the movies were actually filmed in Tucson, Arizona, but I'm curious to hear opinions on the "Socorro sucks!" comment whether you lived there back in 1974 or in 2010.

Incidentally, I don't live very far from Socorro at all and regretfully have never had any reason to stop or visit there. Interstate 25 runs through it - it's roughly a halfway point between El Paso and Albuquerque - and every time I've passed through I just see a bunch of trailers and a few gas stations & motels. I think the population is around 10,000.

I've always taken Alice's emphatic statement to heart because I have picked up and blindly moved a few times because where I was "sucked". Sometimes a place that once sucked is actually pretty nice upon returning during a different stage in your life.

Do you know Socorro? Does it suck or does it not?


I lived in Socorro for five years when I studied at New Mexico Tech. The school is excellent - a great practical education for an inexpensive price. But the town itself has little going for it. The school is known for a high dropout rate, which I blame on how barren the town is, rather than how hard the curriculum is. You just can't stay there unless you're completely dedicated to your schooling.

Most college towns get along by catering to the school. I think Socorro decided they'd rather have the gas/food/lodging business from the Interstate instead, so the town had nothing to offer other than multiple fast food choices. I think things have improved in recent years, since I noticed a microbrew pub opened up on the main drag.

The town had a rich cowboy/railroad/mining history around the turn of the 19th-20th century. But nowdays the only place with character is The Capitol Bar on the plaza, which still has authentic period decor.

So in my opinion, yeah, Socorro Sucks, and I got a big grin when I heard the line in the movie. Too bad it wasn't actually filmed there.


All desert towns and cities are depressing, with the possible exception of Palm Springs.
