Unbelievably good dialogue!

"Here, I tell you what I want you to do. I want you to make me a list, see? I want to see it in writing. I want to know all the the things that are wrong in your life, all the things that can go bad. Here's a pen! Write! Start writing! Whole list! All the bad things! Write! Well, why aren't you writing? WRITE!!! ...I'm out there spending too much money on clothes, trying to look like maybe I'm under 30 so that somebody will hire me and you're sitting in here whining like an idiot! ...I will get a job, allright!? I will get you to Monterey before your birthday! I will get you in school by September! I swear it! SHALL I OPEN A VEIN AND SIGN IT IN BLOOD?!!!"

That last line in particular had me in stitches!

What are some other great lines?


I've kinda got my eye on Daddy Duke!

So Long Suckers!



You can color it if you want.

Vera is a classic 70s zany character. I love all the characters in this movie, except Donald Hyatt. And while I don't "love" ben, he is a truly scary person.


Well, since it's been 9 months and only one person who wasn't myself has posted, I guess it's time for me to contribute another post to thread I started.

Ben: "Hiya, Hyatt!"

Alice: "Oh, please."

Ben: "Yeah, I guess a lot of fellas pull that one on ya, huh?"

Alice: "Yeah, but most of them are under twelve."

Nice, realistic dry humor.

"Yes, tubing, my precious one! Haven't you ever tubed?!" - Ida
