MovieChat Forums > Airport 1975 (1974) Discussion > Why the extreme close-up of the guitar?

Why the extreme close-up of the guitar?

As Linda Blair holds the guitar, her mother looks at it nervously and we get an extreme close-up of it, mostly showing just its sound hole. I thought there would turn out to be a bomb or a kidney in it.

The mother must have been nervous about the girl, not the guitar. Does anybody know why that sequence was shot and edited that way?

... Justin


Trying to explain ANY of "Airport 1975" is tough - why is Karen Black sticking out her tongue at camera when she's trying to get the pilot? Why is Charlton Heston wearing a plaid suit at the beginning? The makers of "Airplane!" had a lot to work with!

As for the guitar, I always took the strings vibrating to be some sort of connection to engine #3 running rough...

"It's people..."


Geez, I wouldn't have made that connection. The shots seemed arbitrary.

"[W]hy is Karen Black sticking out her tongue...?" Oh, God, I remember that!

... Justin


1) The guitar gives one of the better performances in the film.

2) Karen Black's tongue momentarily distracts from her crossed eyes.

3) Heston's sport coat was used by the lab to test the color timing for the film.


I checked, and all three are the correct answers. Where were you when I was watching the movie and being all confused?

... Justin


I'll keep in closer contact.


When the camera tilts down to the guitar, you're supposed to hear a sound that first tips off the audience that there's a weird vibration onboard. The payoff is that the co-pilot is checking out the cause of the vibration when the collison occurs...


I was expecting to hear demon noises at that point.

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked.


Maybe Janice Abbot was trying to create shoegaze music . . .


"Trying to explain ANY of "Airport 1975" is tough - why is Karen Black sticking out her tongue at camera when she's trying to get the pilot? Why is Charlton Heston wearing a plaid suit at the beginning?" reply EVER


Oh, this is so true. Along with trying to explain why they would cast a cross-eyed actress in a leading role so that we'd have to stare at those crossed-eyes for a solid hour.

I asked the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.



I was baffled by that, too. I was on the edge of my seat wondering what the hell was about to happen to the guitar. The mother looked so damned worried.

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Others on this thread have said that her vibrating guitar strings are supposed to be an ill omen. But I didn't make that connection at all. I'd have to watch the movie again to make sure, but I don't know if I can't handle Airport 75 a second time.



Maybe she was thinking I'd better stow that guitar in case any musical nuns are on board.


I hear Samuel L. Jackson is filming Musical Nuns on a Plane.



Yes, with Helen Reddy, Debbie Reynolds and Julie Andrews.


The answer is very simple. .. the mother was looking at the demon inside the guitar. ... her daughter was still possessed by the beast!


Check the credits: ''And Mercedes McCambridge as the voice of the guitar''.


The strings vibrated in "Sympathy" (Similar to the underside strings of an Indian Sitar) to the rough running Pratt & Whitney JT9D Turbofan engine (#3 out of 4). The interesting part is, when you hear the strings vibrate, it's an electric guitar, as opposed to an acoustic instrument in the film. Those dang budgets again.
