MovieChat Forums > Happy Days (1974) Discussion > Why the hell would Fonzie want his offic...

Why the hell would Fonzie want his office in the toilet?

If an Al's Diner customer comes into do his business after eaten Al's food, I would think Fonz would NOT quite like the sounds and smells of THAT! 




Well if that was the case, if Fonzie was holding court in there and no one would be allowed to take a dump, I hope for their sake the women's washroom would be available for EVERYONE otherwise Al's Diner would be pretty messy!



In the earlier episodes Fonzie just called it his 'office' - it was just a place for him to have a private chat with someone away from the prying eyes of the customers in Arnold's but when they did that stupid makeover later on they actually put a desk,private phone in and sometimes they showed Fonz randomly just sitting around in there like it was his actual office - it was bizarre.


That's what I was talking about. The whole desk thing. It's almost as if he desiring to become a bathroom attendant...


It's just a (no pun intended here) 'running joke' .

As mentioned, it did start out as just a way of Fonzie having private chats with Richie or whoever. (In real life, seeing those two or Ralph or Potsie always going in at the same time would get WEIRD looks.)

Anyhow, Al gave Fonzie the desk asa thank you for helping him get Arnold's re-built.

The guys in Miluakee all know who Fonzie is and that htey'd not dare laugh at him or tell him to get out of the bathroom. We may nevefr actualy see him hit someone but he is capable of it.

It's a comedy gag also, so just laugh it, that's why it was written in. 

Go for it or just be a gopher!
(MR.) happipuppi13 πŸ• *arf,man!*



Yeah, it was very bad for Fonz on chili and asparagus night.


On those nights, Fonzie would be like "WHOAH!" 


>>>On those nights, Fonzie would be like "WHOAH!"

Instead of "The Fonzie Stroll", they should have done "The Fonzie Flush".


That's TOO funny! 


The show was horrible after it "Jumped the shark" so it was par for the course


It was the 1950s. People didn't have bodily functions back then.



It was the 1950s. People didn't have bodily functions back then.


Same with the Brady Bunch!


They really did take the joke too far I agree. Who wants to hang around a men's toilet chatting like that anyway let alone walk in and see a guy sitting at a desk!

I always thought it was crazy how they would just chuck guys out of there the way they did too when they wanted their meetings.

Sometimes a movie or tv show plot is so stupid that only the stupid can understand it.



Life basically knocks Fonzie on his butt anyway. By the end of the show he has not advanced an inch even as a teacher he is still just teaching "shop" and everyone around him as moved on to better things.

Except for Chachi maybe.

Sometimes a movie or tv show plot is so stupid that only the stupid can understand it.


Why did Fonzie want his office in the crapper? Simple: he liked the smell of urine and excrement.


No. Fonzie was sexist and women had to be controlled. They couldn't be allowed to contribute to decision making.




FONZIE: "Whoa!"



everyone around him as moved on to better things.

What about Chuck Cunningham?


What about Chuck Cunningham?

Including Chuck. He got out when the show was still true to it's original premise and despite only being in a small number of episodes people still talk about him. The main characters on the other hand are all mocked.

Sometimes a movie or tv show plot is so stupid that only the stupid can understand it.



I don't even see how the Cunninghams would let Joanie marry Chachi. Wouldn't Chachi be a little too white trash for the Cunninghams?

I think given the period the show was set in, Chachi wouldn't have been considered "White" at all. Although I do agree, a family like the Cunninghams would not have liked their daughter going out with someone like Chachi. But then again, they never would have invited a hood like the Fonz into their home either.

Sometimes a movie or tv show plot is so stupid that only the stupid can understand it.
