MovieChat Forums > The Vault of Horror (1973) Discussion > vault of horror or tales from the crypt?

vault of horror or tales from the crypt?

I cant remember which one had the story of the guy who got his wife and friend to bury him alive to get insurance money.Then his wife runs of with the friend
leaving her husband to wake up still in the coffin lighting up matches waiting for his wife to dig him up then the air runs out creepy.


yep,that's vault of horror.


Woh that's scary!

A true friend stabs you in the front.


Not exactly...
The vault of horror story is about a man who takes a drug to make him appear dead so that an accomplice can cash in his insurance policy.
The accomplice's job is to then dig the guy up after his funeral. Unfortunately, the accomplice double crosses him and plans to leave him in the ground and hightail it off with the insurance money.
Just as the supposed dead guy's air is rinning out (And after nervously lighting several matches), he is luckily dug up by a couple of grave robbing medical students. He leaps out of his coffin, gasping for air and the students run off in terror. They run straight into the middle of the road, right in the path of the double crossing accomplice, causing him to swerve off the road, crash and die.
When the frightened students tentatively return to the grave, they find the burly gravedigger they hired still there. He says 'Sorry about the head, but I think the rest of him'll be okay'. The camera then pans down to the buried guy, who's had his head smashed in by the gravediggers shovel.

That's it in a nutshell. It's a good un.


It's "Tales from the Crypt", but not the movie, HBO's "Tales from the Crypt". It's a remake of the story from "Vault of Horror" that spamcity described in the previous post.


And at one point in Vault of Horrors, you can see a character reading Tales from the Crypt comic book :p
