Missed the end!

My idot bloke turned over as Tom Baker was being held at gunpoint, took forever to find the channel and then put it on Film4+1 by accident (I thought the dreams were coming true or something, lol) so I have no idea how Baker's story or the film itself ended.





Sounds like you need a new boyfriend darlin'....(smooths hair down, straightens cravat, puts cigarette holder between teeth)

My body makes no moan
But sings on:
All things remain in God.


Ha ha ha!! Great movie, love schlock like this ...


- I've seen things you people wouldn't believe -


Basically he is held at gunpoint by Denholm Elliott and Tom baker pulls out this red pen and Elliott looks a bit jumpy about what tom is pulling out of his pocket and tom says it's only a pen. He then proceeds to put a circle in the middle of the forehead of elliott's picture when then make Elliott shoot himself exactly in the area that was drawn on the picture. Tom then starts to feel queasy and dizzy and out of breath. He realises that his picture that is in the safe is not within the reach of oxygen and so he starts to choke but manages to get home and takes the picture out of the safe breathing a sigh of relief. However this is where he makes his careless mistake. He puts the picture under a glass window and then realises that he has left his watch in Elliott's office and knows that he will be found out leaving of course the picture exposed under a hot sun and a man paints a poster. Tom runs for a taxi and the man painting the poster knockss over some turps which crashes through the window below... and onto the painting causing the death of Tom's character by going under a truck and having his head squished. You then see the picture again and all the paint has run making the face look disfigured and therefore showing the fate of Tom's character via the canvus.

Then follows the chilling ending to vault of Horror as the door opens and the men walk to it. It reveals a cemetery and one by one each one of the men walk out into the graveyard and disappear into nothing. Then the Curt Jurgens' character says "Night after night we tell the stories of the evil things we did while we were alive. Night after night for all eternity." He walks to a stone coffin and the stone door slams shut and the credits roll.

Great film and they don't make them like this anymore which is a real shame as these films were brilliant horror opus'
Hope I have helped and hope you get to see it again in it's entirely this time.

SharkattackUK- "What you call hell, he calls home."


i dont get it.

