Daniel Massey/Tom Baker characters were idiots
The Massey character kills the private detective so nobody will know he hired him to find his sister. That makes sense. But when he goes to the town, he wanders about in full view, goes into a restaurant once and talks to the waiter before the stabbing. Then after stabbing his sister he goes into the restaurant again - this time its filled with people (the vampires - though he doesn't know that's what they are yet). So, after making his presence known in the town to one or two people at least before the murder, he then exposes himself after it to a restaurant full of people. Does he not realize that in a future police investigation of the crime - in which he would be prime suspect as the sister will inherit the father's estate rather than him - the law would have been able to call on a whole platoon of witnesses who could identify him as being present in that obscure little town when his sister as killed?
Likewise the Tom Baker character went to his last victim's office, seen and identified by the man's secretary who announced him - where the "suicide", which the police could well have seen as an act of murder by the last person to see the victim - took place within minutes of his arrival.