Tender Music

Not that I'm complaining in ANY way, but what do you guys think was up with the tender, love scene sort of music that was underscored when Lionheart was surgically removing that one critic's head? *lol*


I love that scene and the music!


Why don't they have the soundtrack of this?

"Him? Oh my good man think nothing of it. I'm just about through with that cheap ham anyway"


Michael J. Lewis's music was released as a composer promo. I imagine that it might be available on eBay.


A soundtrack was also released in 2010 on La-La Land Records.


I think it was a wonderful touch.

Theatre of Blood is definetely one of the best comedies ever.


Remember watching this film years ago when that music was playing. My mother came into the room remarking about what pretty music it was. She was less than impressed with the scene accompanying it though!


I thought that was kind of weird.
