I may be alone in this, but does anyone else feel that Lionheart should have succeeded in killing Devlin before he burnt to death in the theatre at the end?

It seems to me that even though it was a choice between recognising Lionheart with the award or having his eyes gouched out a la Gloucester, Devlin remained as arrogant as ever, like a typical critic, still refusing to acknowledge Lionheart's "talent" on principal.

OK, he may not have been the best actor in the world, but before his "suicide", Lionheart really seemed to be crushed by the critics' cruel jibes. And when he was driven to take revenge by killing them off in horrible Shakespearean ways, they still bad-mouthed him.

I love this film but felt a bit cheated that Devlin survived, to be honest!


There was something truly bizarre in establishin Devlin as the hero like that.

Early on he said he criticized Lionheart to try to get him away from Shakespeare.

But even his final line has a remarkable kick to it. And then the way he looks at Milo O'Shea and turns and leaves. It kind of drives it all home, like there will always be critics, is what i got from it. like nothing was learned.



I believe he was the only critic who expressed valid reasons for not giving Lionheart the award, and he had enough respect for his profession as critic that he was willing to stick to his principles even in desperate circumstances.


Well I mentioned in my review of THEATRE OF BLOOD the differences between it and the Phibes movies.

The supremely dark tone of THEATRE OF BLOOD established in the opening killing led me to believe that the movie would end on a real downer, very much in contrast to the "protagonists rescued by the police" ending in the first Phibes movie. In the Phibes movies, the protagonists survived and the same is true of Devlin in THEATRE OF BLOOD. But personally I agree with you that Devlin should have died. He learnt nothing from his ordeal (almost having his eyes burnt out and knowing his colleagues were brutally murdered) and the indifference he shown as he summed up Lionheart's "performance" as the theatre burned up was unbelievable. A great alternate final scene in my view would have been to see Inspector Boot looking over the dead body of Devlin, having arrived too late to save him but also coming to the realisation that he deserved to die with the others.


I personally would have been so bummed out if Devlin died. Especially ruining that beautiful face with knives through the eyes.


I felt that Devlin was the hero and only likable character in the film and was the only one I could root for at all. Even near the end in a scene which made me cringe, he stuck to his principals and refused to say what he didn't believe, even in the face of being certainly blinded and possibly killed. I was very glad he survived and liked what he said at the end.
