Remake Blues

As soon as I saw a few clips from this movie, I was blown away by it. Mind you, the film is obviously dated, I was blown away by the potential this movie has. I think that if this movie to be remade it would be 10 times better. Obviously my first to choice to have remake it would be me but it seems the film is beginning pre-production already.


Idris Elba as Thorn. Lots of CGI and a pop/hip-hop soundtrack. Plenty of Jerky-cam effects and a slam bang finale with wire-fu and people leaping around on tall objects. Darker, grittier New York setting. All of these are a must for a remake.


Exactly, I really don't think it needs to be change almost at all. A few tweaks here and there but mainly the visuals and maybe the reveal could be done better. Imagine Sol's death but with today's visual arts?
